Made in Filottrano


この地域を開発した最初の企業の1つであるラルディーニは先んじてソーラーパネルを導入し自社の電力を賄っています。また汚染フィルターを使用して環境への影響を最小限に止め、豊かな自然を持つ地域と共存の道を歩んでいます。ラルディーニの 地域と環境への深い敬意はフィロットラーノとの深い繋がりから生まれています。ラルディーニとそこで働くファミリーが成長し現在の姿になるのを見守ってきた土地であり、伝統あるイタリア製品の魂でもあるマルケでの仕立ての歴史を刻む土地だからです。


A strong value system and respect for the environment are closely linked to the deep bond we have always had with the local area in which we were born, live and work.

A small medieval town nestling in gentle green hills, Filottrano means both home and business to the Lardini family. It is part and parcel of that obstinacy so typically found in people from the Marches region which is also known for its legacy of quality craftsmanship cherished and passed down by its inhabitants. Filottrano has now become known all over the world for clothing manufacture and it is indissolubly connected to the world of Lardini.

Made in Filottrano stands for top-end artisanal quality, sartorial superiority, an obsession for details and real passion. Every day at our headquarters in the Marches region, fashion becomes synonymous with elegance as dispatches of exclusive garments are made to destinations near and far.