
40年の歴史をどのように共有しましょうか? 私たちはこの40年間クラシコイタリアのファッション産業、延いてはイタリアのファッション界において、その一翼を担っている気概を持ち、勇気と情熱とともに歩んできました。


"4兄弟のルイージ、アンドレア、ロレナ、アナリタの勇気がラルディーニという夢を育み、そして今、レオ、アレッシオ、クリオ、ジェネア、ブレナ、アルベルトら新たな世代が次の40年を見据えています。 そして我々と共に働く1,400人もの人々によってその想いは確固たるものとなっています。"


How do you tell the story of 40 years of Lardini history? By starting at the beginning.

This particular adventure sinks its roots in a passion for style and elegance, artisanal flair and immense know-how that is closely bound up with the Marches region. It is the story of a close family made up of four brothers and sisters and their forward-looking father who embarked on a journey to chase a dream. A family who stubbornly refused to give up until that dream came true. So it was that a small tailor’s atelier was set up.

This particular adventure sinks its roots in a passion for style and elegance, artisanal flair and immense know-how that is closely bound up with the Marches region. It is the story of a close family made up of four brothers and sisters and their forward-looking father who embarked on a journey to chase a dream. A family who stubbornly refused to give up until that dream came true. So it was that a small tailor’s atelier was set up.

…to build the future

これまでの40年間でラルディーニは少しずつ成長しルマルシェのクラフツマンシップの基盤を築き上げました。 そしてこれらの基盤を元に彼らは常に 進化を続ける最先端の会社を志し、未 来に目を向けた伝統的な仕立て技術が備わったファクトリーを構築していま す。 新世代では、かけがえのない経験を積み重ねた仕立 て屋の “手“と、完全にデジタル化されたデザイン、 情報、プロセスとが組み合わされています。テクノロジーと人の手が共存する生産の未来を創造するメカニズムがそこにあります。

This is the tale of sartorial Italian-made garments that were initially purchased by other brands until the proud day came when Lardini unveiled its own first collection. Still today, these collections are nurtured and grown through a relentless quest for fresh designs and innovative technologies while honouring the sartorial skills of the company’s early days.

From 1978 to today, we have evolved constantly and still strive tirelessly to achieve elegance as we did at the start - only now the consummate expertise of our artisans is enhanced by digitalisation as we help to build the future of Italian workmanship. Everything that comes out of our premises is made in Filottrano with love.